Robin Marvel on Primetime

Robin Marvel

On Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 4pm/PST, author and motivational speaker Robin Marvel, is our guest on Swoop’s World Primetime. After Robin we’ll have another segment of Gamers, plus odd news of the day and more.

As a teen Robin was lacking the attention that so many teens need. She quickly learned the repercussions of choices she was making. “It was quite the reality check when I became a mother at the age of 17. I remember the day that I found out that I was having a baby girl. It was that moment that I made the commitment to myself and my daughter that we would not be a statistic. I worked hard and I am still working hard to make sure that is my truth,” said Robin.
She does not place blame on anyone in my childhood. I look back on it and know I am a stronger person. I have learned to make my choices for me and disregard the lifestyle I lived as a child. I have learned to treat my self with respect and honor and therefore influence and encourage the people in my life to do the same for themselves.

Making the choice to take life on in the drivers seat is up to you. It is easy to watch the world pass by while you are being a victim. Being a victim is the easy way out, removing that victim personality out of your life will give you the opportunity to see life from a whole new perspective. Each choice you make has an astounding effect of where you are and where you are going in this wonderful journey of life. Robin has made the choice to work hard and life a fantastic life full of opportunity. Robin states, “I am now the proud mother of five amazing daughters that defy all odds of a teen mother statistic. I am also living my dreams as an author and Motivational speaker.”

No matter where you have been it is where you are going that really matters. Take the time today and everyday to live limitless. Your life, your choices ~ your utopia.

Robin Marvel wants everyone to live an inspired life and embrace who they truly are. With her three books “Awakening Comsciousness A Woman’s Guide” “Awakening Consciousness A Girl’s Guide!” and “Awakening Consciousness A Boy’s Guide!” she is awakening consciousness worldwide.