Normandie Wilson on Swoop’s World Primetime

On Thursday October 10, 2013 at 11am/PDT (1pm/CDT, 2pm/EDT) We are happy to welcome the return of Normandie Wilson as our guest on Swoop’s World Primetime.
listen now ⇒On Thursday October 10, 2013 at 11am/PDT (1pm/CDT, 2pm/EDT) We are happy to welcome the return of Normandie Wilson as our guest on Swoop’s World Primetime.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, September 19, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome author and motivational speaker Robin Marvel, returns to Swoop’s World Primetime.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, August 29, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome author Aric Davis back to Swoop’s World Primetime. We’ll have a wonderful opportunity to catch up with Aric.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, August 22, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome author Carma Spence to Swoop’s World Primetime. Join us as we take this opportunity to meet Carma and learn about her new book “57 Secrets for Branding Yourself Online” Carma Spence, the Own Your Awesome Business and Life Coach, helps entrepreneurs be more creative, authentic and profitable in their lives and businesses through the power of online marketing, public speaking and universal laws.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, August 1, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome author Howard Flomberg to Swoop’s World Primetime. Join us as we take this opportunity to meet Howard and learn about his new book “Stumbling Through The Sixties.”
listen now ⇒On Thursday, July 18, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome comedian and author Jordan Pease to Swoop’s World Primetime. Join us as we take this opportunity to meet Jordan and find out what makes him so funny.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, July 11, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, we welcome the return of Psychic medium Christine Corda to Swoop’s World Primetime. Join us as we catch up with Christine, Host of Kiss Me I’m Psychic, The Psychic View radio show on BlogTalk Radio.
listen now ⇒On Thursday, June 27, 2013, at 11 am/PDT, 2pm/EDT, We welcome singer/songwriter Amanda Raya to Swoop’s World Primetime. Amanda is proving that her talent and drive for music belies her age her, and this week released her first fully produced single “Without No Doubt.”
listen now ⇒