Let’s Talk Trash! This Week We Interview Tracy Egoscue – Executive Officer Region 4 California Regional Water Quality Board

This week, Wednesday, January 27th @ 9PM, on Swoop’s World Radio we are happy to have as our guest Tracy Egoscue, Executive Officer Region 4 of the California Regional Water Quality Board. Join us as we talk trash and how it affects our water!

Whether above or below ground our water is precious to us, and here in Long Beach our concerns are great. Each day our city is faced with numerous challenges concerning our water, from shortages, to polluted runoff from the LA River, hazards associated with the Port, or preservation of our wetlands. Protecting our water can be a daunting task.
Join us as we learn from Ms Egoscue what the State is doing to protect our precious resources and what we can do to improve and maintain clean healthy water.

Tune in at 9PM.

  • By salim, March 29, 2010 @ 10:41 pm

    thanks for your job it will first step to protect our environment -communication its very important .thanks and regards

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